Have you ever felt stuck wanting to go forward and not knowing where to start? Have you ever had goals that you thought were unreachable? Have you ever been in the middle of where you have been and where you want to be? This book gives a step-by-step strategy to getting out the middle, and moving forward. Lindon Phillips shares his journey to success and how he got out of the stuck place! This is a must-read for anyone ready to change where they are and get to where you're going.
Bold Living After Unwanted Change Miriam Neff. Praise. for. Where. Do. I. Go. from. Here? So many widows have told me just how helpful Miriam has been to them in their unwanted journey as a widow. In her first book and on her website ...
Where Do We Go From Here? Resource Materials To enhance your study on this important topic, we recommend the correlating audio message album, study guide, and DVD messages from the Where Do We Go From Here? series.
"This is a book about power - specifically, the power of a nonviolent army of determined Negroes who, with a smaller band of committed whites, have concluded that equality is...
No longer is this a nation based on godly principles and morality. America is following its leaders willingly into economic, moral, and political decline. What are Christians to do? Erwin Lutzer offers hope and a challenge to Christians.
With updated data on new cell church models, new information on equipping and harvest events and practical teaching on how to begin a transition, this book will continue to stir hearts to dream about what the church can be.
Set in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, this utterly engrossing debut by Brazilian author Lucas Rocha calls back to Alex Sanchez's Rainbow Boys series, bringing attention to how far we've come with HIV, while shining a harsh light on just how far we ...
who “cut their tee ” in the struggle to unionize farm workers went on to work for other unions or made their way into electoral ... Martin Luther King, Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community (Boston: Beacon Press, 1967), 3. 26.
As you go through many hurting situations in your family life, please take the time to bend your knees and talk to Jesus, He will never leave you alone. Jesus is always with you; just ask Him to strengthen you.
When Temptation, Secrets, Betrayal and Heartbreak Collide!
Here are all of the people on Wi‐Fi on the network right now. There's probably more, but this is what we're seeing right now. Now, you're going to say, “Well, Gary, so what if I'm learning that you're searching x library and it says ...