If It Isn't Love

If It Isn't Love
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Tamika Echols


The life of a single mom can be extremely hectic at times. God forbid you throw a man and all of his needs in the mix. Dating... It almost sounds like a foreign concept especially if you're single with standards, and nothing about you is easy. The life of a playa is about money, cars, clothes, and bedding as many women as he can with no intention of settling down. Treniti is a single mother of two who's in no hurry these days to find a man. After losing the love of her life she dated again but no one seemed to measure up and she sorta gave up. Her boys are her life now and her number one priority. A man can wait, especially if he can't get with her prerequisite. Xavier is a real Ladies Man, and moving in on Treniti has been his main objective from day one. However, she's anti relationship so he settles for friendship bonding closely with her and her boys. His womanizing ways are all Treniti knows and she can't see that his feelings for her are deeper. Marc is "the" Ladies Man with women tripping at his feet. He never had to apply much effort to get a woman into his bed. His looks, voice, swag, everything about him is magnetic. It doesn't hurt that he's PAID! He never thought the "how" could jeopardize him pulling a woman. That is until he met this woman who showed him a whole other side to how a "grown" woman interacts with a man. When their paths cross is when the drama begins. Flashy and exuberant lifestyles, dangerous and illegal activity, passion, and betrayal. Manipulation, jealousy, obsession, lust, lies, fighting, and even murder are only part of it. Treniti is faced with tough decisions that will alter life as she's known it. Xavier decides to turn friendship to love and gets more than he bargained for. Marc has to rid himself of the things and people who threaten his new normal. Is the triangle of these three possible, or are two perpendicular lines the right angle?

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