God is a book of Holy Thoughts. It is about the Faith of the Sevenfold Spirit and the LORD of Heaven's Armies. It is about a Sunday 1/14 Shooting Star and the Star, 92.96 million miles away. It is a modern Tao te Ching, written by an author ancient in Wisdom. It was written over two nights, an homage to 4/14 Good Friday to 4/16 Easter Sunday. It is a Celebration of Christmas 2017, and all the branches of all the trees made alive. It is about the Holy Thoughts of the Kings and Queen of the Universe sent out to everyone and Everything. It is Holy Creativity. It is Infinite Love. It is the Divine Hammer. It rings of the trillions of stars in the Universe.
More than just a history of our understanding of God, this book is an attempt to get to the root of this humanizing impulse in order to develop a more universal spirituality.
From angels and the afterlife to suffering and Divine providence, The God Book addresses all things spiritual through classic works of Jewish philosophy.
In this Signature Collection edition of a beloved classic, bestselling author Dallas Willard offers rich spiritual insight into how we can hear God's voice clearly and develop an intimate partnership with him in the work of his kingdom.
Did Jesus really exist? Is Jesus really the only way to God? What about those who have never heard the gospel? Is the Bible today what was originally written?
Dont you deserve love?
In addition to the essays on particular parts of the Bible (Paul, Matthew, Luke, Acts, John, James), the book includes an essay assessing recent thought on justification, and another attempting to put together a synthesis of biblical ...
God has a word for you.
In Time for God, author Jacques Philippe mainly concentrates on mental prayer: prayer that consists of facing God in solitude and silence for a time in order to enter into intimate, loving communion with him.
R. Laird Harris et al . Chicago : Moody Press , 1980. II : 672-673 . Marcus Aurelius . “ To Himself , ” tr . George Long , Essential Works of Stoicism , ed . Moses Hadas . New York : Bantam Books , 1961. Pp . 103-205 .
So is the whisper of spirit. Ignorance or insight? We choose. Some saythattheir belief in aworld with God is inspiredbythe awe- someness ofnature. This “awesomeness ofnature” holds together both something of the whisper of spirit and ...