"Goodbye, unicorns." "What?" My heart dropped. "What?" was a stupid question. I knew exactly what she meant. Still, it was hardly the kind of thing I expected to hear a seven-year-old girl mumble as she headed out her bedroom door for what would probably be the last time. To an onlooker, it might make sense. Her room was, in fact, a pink and purple web of horned horses she'd spent more than half her life believing in. But I knew the rest of the story. And her words told me this was worse than a kid finding out about Santa. 'Goodbye unicorns' wasn't happening. Not on my watch. The true story of a little girl looking to find a new faith in the world after losing her mother to the drug epidemic, Goodbye Unicorns is a story of love, loss, rebuilding, and what it takes to restore magic for a kid has no reason to believe it exists... Could you have faith again?