(Black & White Version) A much-awaited compendium on Contemporaneous Accounting for Business Combination and Group Accounts. This piece depicts the idiosyncratic view and perspective of the author and the materials have gone a long way to demystifying the salient issues and practical scenarios in accounting for Business Combinations in accordance with IFRS 3 (Revised) and also on preparation and presentation of Group Accounts with respect to IFRS 10 and lots more. This is an output of over 9years research and documentation of methodologies that best explain the basic concepts, mechanics, and principles that underlie the accounting for business combinations in the modern age of seeking growth through "Mergers and Acquisition," rather than through "Organic growth." The book is meant to cover the knowledge gaps identified and demonstrated by students, practicing accountants and professionals on the most appropriate accounting for all forms of business combinations (including acquisitions, mergers, statutory mergers, integration absorption, true mergers, etc.) and the subsequent requirement to present group accounts for business combinations that result in "Parent-Subsidiary Relationship." This book is invaluable and useful for professional accountants, auditors, academicians, researchers, professional students, business owners, and tertiary institution students. This represents my give back to the profession and the society, so as to promote best practices and uphold the accountancy and finance profession in its entirety.