The Mediation and Atonement of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

L. D. S. / Mormon Audiobook Foundation


Two years into his term as President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, John Taylor published Mediation and Atonement. As President of the Church, John Taylor was the Lord's senior apostle on the earth, and therefore possessed the same authority and responsibility as all other prophets, ancient and modern, to be a witness of Jesus Christ as the Savior and Redeemer of the world. Thus, the significance of John Taylor's Mediation and Atonement is not only that it is the first book-length treatment of the Atonement by a General Authority of the Church, but that it is the testimony of a modern prophet regarding the most transcendent act of grace in time and eternity. This is the fundamental purpose of every prophetic undertaking - to provide witness to others of the reality of the Lord Jesus Christ and His redemption of the world, to thereby igniting in them faith in the Lord and His redemption, and with faith ignited to put them in a position to prophesy themselves to others of the same things. This is precisely the purpose of John Taylor's Mediation and Atonement - to provide witness, ignite faith, and engender prophesying of the Lord and His redemption. And inspiring faith in others sufficient to cause them to prophesy themselves is as essential to the Lord's plan of redemption as His redeeming acts. As Amulek observed so incisively, "only unto him that has faith unto repentance is brought about the great and eternal plan of redemption" (Alma 34:16). In other words, the entire plan of redemption rests on whether others receive and accept prophetic witness and become themselves witnesses of the Lord's redemption. As you read John Taylor's Mediation and Atonement, we hope that you receive his prophetic witness of the Lord's sublime act of redemption and can come to prophesy of its reality and supreme importance. In other words, we hope that you come closer to becoming a prophet of the Lord's mediation and atonement.

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