Brave New Word is three books in one-1) a dictionary, 2) a spelling game, 3) and an visual art book, conceived to be a thinking tool for every age and interest level; it's a new way to see and think about words we often use mindlessly. These are the words we haven't yet discovered-we all have them, we just don't see the value in them yet. It's great fun, wordplay is proof-but I believe that there is an unlimited source of intelligence and adventure yet to be awakened-within each of us.This book offers 101 Brave New Words-selected from thousands-conceived and illustrated by myself-Leonardo Ramirez. I call myself a Lexicon Artist- words are my creative medium, to use my own words-I'm a WordSculptor, a Puntificator, an Interpretortionist; I creating words-to review present word use and to explore and inspire new thoughts and ideas.I believe we can and must reconnect with our natural gifts of thinking and communicating; the acts of seeing, saying, hearing and thinking words are all different experiences, with willingness and an "open mind", I believe the implementing this thinking exercise will help us to begin using-choosing and-"feeling" the words we use. For over twenty years I've been on a voyage-thinking about our thinking-on many levels, literally looking at the words we all learned, effects of the words we use and those words projected upon us through our present day cultures. As simple as the idea of thinking seems, I don't believe we are doing our best thinking yet; I've been told this is more than a book-I've been told that this is-a movement. Somebody will create and determine the future-we just might have the intelligence to have a say in creating a reality that is beneficial to us all. I hope you enjoy the exercise, I look forward to any comments or suggestions that you may have. - Leonardo Ramirez-