NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • As seen on The Daily Show: an illustrated portrait of the Donald J. Trump Twitter account, with analysis and “scholarly” commentary from the writers of The Daily Show and an introduction by Trevor Noah In June 2017, just steps from Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah opened The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library, a 4,000-square-foot museum space that gave the 45th president and his amazing Twitter legacy the respect they deserve. In the single weekend it was open to the public, the Library pop-up drew 7,500 visitors and had to turn away countless others. But the Presidential Twitter Library experience should not be limited to the elite coastal few. Not fair! All citizens, even the Mexican ones, should have the chance to see Donald Trump’s tweets in their rightful context—organized and commented on in the fearless, hilarious, insightful voice of The Daily Show. This one-of-a-kind exhibition catalog presents the Library’s complete contents, including: • The Masterpieces: In-depth critical appreciations of history’s most important Trump tweets, from “Very Stable Genius” to “Covfefe” to “Trump Tower Taco Bowl/I Love Hispanics!” • The Greatest Battles: @realDonaldTrump’s brutal Twitter campaigns against fellow Republicans, Diet Coke, women generally, and Kristen Stewart specifically • Sad! A Retrospective: a compendium of the many people, events, and twists of fate that apparently made Donald Trump feel this human emotion • Trumpstradamus: DJT’s amazing 140-character predictions—none of which came true! • The Hall of Nicknames: the greatest of Trump’s monikers, from “Lyin’ Ted” to “Low I.Q. Crazy Mika,” accompanied by original caricature artwork • Trump vs. Trump: You’re going to want to sit for this one. Donald Trump has sometimes been known to contradict himself. • Always the Best: the greatest boasts of the greatest boaster of all time, ever! Comprising hundreds of Trump tweets, and featuring a foreword by Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Jon Meacham, and even a place for readers to add their own future Trump tweet highlights—because he is making new Twitter history literally every day—The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library is a unique portrait of an artist whose masterworks will be studied by historians, grammarians, and mental health professionals for years to come.
Justin Timberlake When I die, bury me on the golf course so that my husband will visit. Give me golf clubs, fresh air, and a beautiful partner, ...
Why should Hollywood stars be the only ones who have an entourage?
With just a cold beer in his hand and a goofy grin on his face, recently-dumped Jake Timberlake is a lovable loser trying to move on with his life one misadventure at a time.
The A-Z of 9-5 Culture Karen Farrington. The Law of the OFFICE KAREN FARRINGTON The A - Z of 9-5 Culture ROBSON First published in Great Britain in 2006 by Robson Books.
Chronicles an offbeat cross-country odyssey through the backroads and byways of the United States, immortalizing the people, places, and cultural artifacts vanishing from the nation's landscape
... Monkhams) Chapter 3: Traffic Quotes: Sue Nelson, Claire Rumble, Dr Julian Litten, Pat Cutler, Christine Brassey, Peter Lawrence Photos: Irene and John Buchan, E7NowandThen, Graham Frankel Inspiration: Julian Litten (Encounter at the ...
His invention enabled him to sell a writing tool to almost everyone in the USA. Archie made a tiny profit on each pen but he sold a lot of pens, even in 1892. From those humble beginnings, the Van Cleefs branch out until they own a ...
Both think the Three Stooges are hilarious. And both love to be told, You are sooooo big! But this is reason to celebrate, not fret, because knowing this gives you the inside advantage.
Karen Salmansohn, author of the bestselling How to Make Your Man Behave in 21 Days or Less by Using the Secrets of Professional Dog Trainers and I Don't Need to Have Children, I Date Them, has created Mr. Right When You Need Him for those ...
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