In the second installment of this richly imagined fantasy adventure series, a new threat from within the Library could destroy those who depend upon it the most. The Library of the Unwritten in Hell was saved from total devastation, but hundreds of potential books were destroyed. Former librarian Claire and Brevity the muse feel the loss of those stories, and are trying to adjust to their new roles within the Arcane Wing and Library, respectively. But when the remains of those books begin to leak a strange ink, Claire realizes that the Library has kept secrets from Hell--and from its own librarians. Claire and Brevity are immediately at odds in their approach to the ink, and the potential power that it represents has not gone unnoticed. When a representative from the Muses Corps arrives at the Library to advise Brevity, the angel Rami and the erstwhile Hero hunt for answers in other realms. The true nature of the ink could fundamentally alter the afterlife for good or ill, but it entirely depends on who is left to hold the pen.
In the first book in a brilliant new fantasy series, books that aren't finished by their authors reside in the Library of the Unwritten in Hell, and it is up to the Librarian to track down any restless characters who emerge from those ...
quotes popular sports columnist Jimmy Cannon's assessment of Gleason's particular talent , " The thing about Gleason is that he is everybody . He is the fellow next door that you ... live like a king . " 31 Ralph Kramden , Reggie Van ...
“Well written fantasy with strong character emphasis and empathy” from the author of the sci-fi classic Escape to Witch Mountain (Kirkus Reviews).
In this book, James R. White offers a concise, understandable explanation of what the Trinity is and why it matters.
Their only chance at survival lies in outwitting Hell and writing a new chapter for the Library. Luckily, Claire and her friends know how the right story, told well, can become a revolution"--
This is the extraordinary story of a young man, conscripted at nineteen, who survived not just one, but three encounters with death, any of which should have probably killed him.
Presents the wisdom of many early women Christian leaders, discussing the meanings of their teachings and the spirituality of their lives, and also providing a time line, glossary, selected bibliography, calendar of feasts, and ordination ...
Though apocryphal in nature, these books--suppressed by the Church Fathers--are fascinating and beautifully written. Here you can read for yourself many of the manuscripts which were excluded from the Canon...
With this exciting reissue, you can relive the emotion and passion of Carole Mortimer's powerful story.Remembering his touch…Suffering from amnesia is hard enough, but when Velvet learns that she may have been unfaithful to her beloved ...
The Forgotten Daughter is a moving portrait of true love, familial bonds, and persistence in the face of injustice.