Pocket Guide to the Tarot, Revised: Understanding and Reading Tarot Cards

Pocket Guide to the Tarot, Revised: Understanding and Reading Tarot Cards
Ten Speed Press
Alan Oken


"When you pick up a pack of fifty-two playing cards to enjoy a round of poker, rummy, bridge, or any other the other games so familiar to us, you might not realize that the deck in your hands is actually a modern version of the Tarot. Over the course of many centuries, people have spent countless happy hours socializing and communicating through the use of these ordinary cards. Gamblers have won and lost fortunes, rulers have won and lost kingdoms, men and women have won and lost each other, tycoons have built casino mini-empires, and thousands of books have been written about spades (Swords), heart (Cups), diamonds (Pentacles), and clubs (Wands). The folklore of the American West (and a myriad of cowboy movies) would be incomplete without a climactic game of five-card draw and an Ace of Spades up the sleeve of the villain! Yet almost no one at the local bridge club, and certainly none of the boys down in Dodge City, can possibly imagine that their simple and emotionally charged pastime is steeped in ancient history and occult symbolism. After many years of familiarity with the Tarot and much research, I find that the origins of the cards are still a mystery. The symbolism they contain and the esoteric and metaphysical doctrines they represent are much easier to trace. They form part of the Wisdom Teachings, which have their roots in the mystery schools of ancient Egypt and classical Greece. The order and structure of the Major Arcana, the twenty-two most powerful cards in a Tarot deck, are based on the Hebrew system of numbers and the alphabetical sequence of its twenty-two letters. In fact, the name Tarot (pronounced "ta-roh") is closely related to the Hebrew word Torah. This word means "The Law" and is applied to the Five Books of Moses found in the Old Testament. The language of the ancient Hebrews was written without vowels. Thus both "Torah" and "Tarot" could be written simply by using the two Hebrew letters representing "TR.""--

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