"A memoir from the author of SUBLIMINAL and THE DRUNKARD'S WALK revealing his relationship with renowned physicist Stephen Hawking as both a fellow scientist and a friend"--
The author explores recent scientific breakthroughs in the fields of supergravity, supersymmetry, quantum theory, superstring theory, and p-branes as he searches for the Theory of Everything that lies at the heart of the cosmos.
This book will fascinate anyone interested in Stephen Hawking or an extraordinary life in science.
What Makes This Book So Rewarding Is The Way That The Authors Have Blended Their Account Of Hawking S Science With That Of His Life, Giving A Picture Of A Remarkable Scientist As A Remarkable Person.
His books bring the wonders of the universe to the masses. Hawking himself is revealed to the public in this book, which follows his rise from apathetic schoolboy to respected scientist and writer.
Micklethwait. and. Adrian. Wooldridge. of. The. Economist,. ”God is Back”1 — and not only for the uneducated. "In much of the world it is exactly the sort of upwardlymobile, educated middle classes that Marx and Weber presumed would ...
An intimate and inspirational exploration of Stephen Hawking--the man, the friend, and the physicist. Stephen Hawking was one of the most famous and influential physicists in the world.
Discover more about the life of a man who is known for his incredible contribution to science in this beautifully illustrated book.
Here is an intimate glimpse of the greatest scientist of our day, the brilliant physicist confined to a wheelchair whose "A Brief History of Time" has become the first worldwide scientific bestseller of the century.
... in May, US astronaut Alam B. Shepard Jr. becomes the first American in space American Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the moom Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Romald Wayne start Apple Computer Inc. The first Harry ...
Although this book is steeped in the complexities of cosmology, millions of people were eager to learn just some of what he had to offer.