Fundamentals of Mechanics is Volume 1 of six-volume Calculus-based University Physics series, designed to meet the requirements of a two-semester course sequence of introductory physics for physics, chemistry, and engineering majors. The present volume focuses on building a good foundation in kinematics and dynamics. The emphasis is placed on understanding basic concepts of kinematics and equilibrium conditions of forces well before handling more difficult subject of dynamics. Concepts and ideas are developed starting from fundamental principles whenever possible and illustrated by numerical and symbolic problems. Detailed guided exercises and challenging problems help students develop their problem solving skills. The complete University Physics series (Volumes 1-6) covers topics in Mechanics, Gravitation, Waves, Sound, Fluids, Thermodynamics, Electricity, Magnetism, Optics, and Modern Physics. Appropriate volumes can be selected to provide students a solid foundation of introductory physics and make their transition into advanced courses easier. Volume 1: Fundamentals of Mechanics - Vectors, Kinematics, Newton's Laws of Motion, Impulse, Energy, Rotation, Physics in Non-inertial Frames. Volume 2: Applications of Mechanics - Newton's Law of Gravitation, Simple Harmonic Motion, Mechanical Waves, Sound, Stress and Strain in Materials, Fluid Pressure, Fluid Dynamics. Volume 3: Thermodynamics - Heat, Temperature, Specific Heat, Thermal Expansion, Ideal Gas Law, First Law of Thermodynamics, Work by Gas, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Heat Engine, Carnot Cycle, Entropy, Kinetic Theory, Maxwell's Velocity Distribution. Volume 4: Electricity and Magnetism - Static Electricity, Coulomb's Law, Electric Field, Gauss's Law, Electric Potential, Metals and Dielectrics, Magnets, Magnetic Force, Steady Current, Magnetic Field, Ampere's Law, Kirchhoff's Rules, Electrodynamics, Faraday's Law, Maxwell's Equations, AC Circuits. Volume 5: Optics - Law of Reflection, Snell's Law of Refraction, Optical Elements, Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Interference, Young's Double Slit, Michelson Interferometer, Fabry-Perot Interferometer, Huygens-Fresnel Principle, Diffraction. Volume 6: Modern Physics - Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Material Science, Nuclear Physics, Fundamental Particles, Gravity, and Cosmology.
The book is useful for undergraduate students majoring in physics and other science and engineering disciplines. It can also be used as a reference for more advanced levels.
Discusses vectors, laws of motion, conservation laws, inverse-square-law forces, harmonic oscillator, theory of relativity, non-inertial reference frames.
•k 1 – nG) + –e" d" + -h" b” + –j" e” – –q grad G) > 0, (F3) /D /D /0 p(-) the second law statement for this formulation. Note that d” and b* ... "This formulation makes contact with a formulation presented by Green and Naghdi [44].
A solid introduction to basic continuum mechanics, emphasizing variational formulations and numeric computation. The book offers a complete discussion of numerical method techniques used in the study of structural mechanics.
The range of topics covered in this book includes Galilean transformation, Newton's law of gravitation, vectors, centre of mass, moment of inertia and angular momentum.
This book is extensively based on the introductory chapters to the author’s Structural Mechanics: A Unified Approach.
The book explores the fundamental issues of robot mechanics for both the analysis and design of manipulations, manipulators and grippers, taking into account a central role of mechanics and mechanical structures in the development and use ...
In addition to being convenient, this approach works remarkably well. This is true even at size scales for which the justification of treating the material as a continuum might be debatable.
Almost all books available on fracture mechanics cover the majority of topics presented in this book, and often much, much more.
Fundamentals of Mechanics and Heat