" Widower Tom Anderson is a savant with more affinity for numbers than people. Problem is, one is a lonely number. Thankfully, he solved for X by finding the perfect woman. It wasn't easy. Tom is very specific. He has to be. Having checked 'find trophy wife' off his list, life was moving along swimmingly. Until that perfect woman let it slip-she has a past. One she kept hidden, almost perfectly. Sure, she lied-she fudged the numbers. Most women do. Now, Tom has buyers' remorse and according to cult rules only two options: get rid of her-or single-handedly erase her past. She's a liar. But she does keep house well. And she makes a mean lasagna. Decisions, decisions."--Provided by publisher.
Secularization, Revival, and Cult Formation Rodney Stark, William Sims Bainbridge. 19 Secularization, Revival, and Cult Formation Secularization is the dominant theme in modern assessments of the future of religion.
Cult Controversies: The Societal Response to New Religious Movements
In partnership with TIME magazine, Prentice Hall has created a special TIME edition on world religions that includes over twenty recent articles on major world religions and topics in religious studies.
Thirty-nine members of the UFO faith group Heaven's Gate took their lives in late March 1997, during the comet Hale-Bopp's closest approach to Earth. Some believed that the group, led by Marshall Applewhite, thought that their bodies ...
... 154 Greene , Daphne , as parent of cult Hegstrom , Karen , deprogramming of , member , 231-232 , 238-239 234-239 ... 45 Imperato , Dr. Pascal J. , on Unification size of , 63 Church diet , 135 Incest , attitudes toward in Children ...
It also recounts the very intimate tale of how these confrontations with threatening and often, violent forces cost him the woman he loved and nearly, life itself.
Hell Ranch: The Nightmare Tale of Voodoo, Drugs and Death in Matamoros
La masacre de Waco Texas
Kamikaze Justice
Cult, Myth, and Kingship in Pharaonic Egypt: Inaugural Lecture Delivered at the College on 12 November 1990