Change the Food, Change the World: A Catholic Perspective on Fostering a Culture of Life Through a Plant-Based Diet

Change the Food, Change the World: A Catholic Perspective on Fostering a Culture of Life Through a Plant-Based Diet
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Jennifer Adams, Paula Sandin


Paula B. Sandin and Jennifer S. Adams have much in common: they are sisters, business partners, and converts to Catholicism. They also both suffered for many years from maladies that doctors deemed "incurable." When they radically changed their diet, adopting a whole food, plant-based way of eating, they had another thing in common: their health improved dramatically. Sandin and Adams now believe that what you eat-and as importantly, what you don't eat-is the key to healthy living. Throughout Change the Food, Change the WorldTM, they present compelling evidence that consuming certain foods is the source of many health problems in Western nations and that those issues are spreading to cultures where people are adopting a Western, Americanized diet. They make a convincing case that their new lifestyle is a key "ingredient" to living life to the full the way God intended it. As devout Catholics, they also take the case one step further using faith and reason to contend that giving up certain foods is a crucial step in fostering a culture of life. Like their dietary beliefs, their ethical concerns about eating are sensible, well-reasoned, and passionate. Sandin and Adams provide a blueprint for all those interested in improving their health and well-being (including reproduction), caring for the poor, feeding the hungry, and protecting the environment and animals.

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