Since the day you were born, God has been chasing you. His desire has been to establish a secure connection with you that will last for eternity. If you've received Jesus Christ as your Savior, I guess you could say He chased you until you caught Him! But the chase isn't over. The connecting has really just started. God has many, many more connections He wants to make with you in order to optimize your relationship with Him and help you experience the abundant and fruitful life He has in mind. This is a 13-chapter interactive study on the foundational connection points with God. Through a basic understanding and application of concepts such as prayer, Bible study, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, fellowship, witnessing, spiritual warfare, and others, you will be connecting with God along a wide front and establishing a strong, deep, and stable walk with Christ. Connecting With God is best used in a one-to-one or small group mentoring context. There are extensive discussion questions provided that are designed to springboard off the content of the study, and go deeper into issues that are pertinent to the individual or group that is being mentored. In addition, there is an large "Appendix" section that includes a number of resources that will be helpful for the growing disciple.