Building Basics: Your Business

Building Basics: Your Business
Nick Helm, Trevor Pringle, David Hindley


Plumbers, electricians, joiners, plasterers and other trades still have paperwork to do, but builders tend to have considerably more paperwork because they are usually the main contractor, involved from the start to the finish of a project. Running your own business is something that many builders aspire to. It's almost like a rite of passage - being an apprentice, qualifying and then going out on your own. New Zealand is full of small enterprises, and the construction industry has more than average. So how does a builder know what to do when they make the decision to go it alone? They learn from others (and the mistakes of others), they do some things that work well and others that don't, but until now there has been no one place they can go to find out everything they need to consider before starting their own business. This book outlines the key things a builder starting their own business needs to think about - many of which are legal requirements. For those already running a business, it is a chance to evaluate progress and get some ideas on improvements. This revised edition reflects changes to legislation since the first edition was published, including amendments to the Building Act 2004, Construction Contracts Act 2002, Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, Resource Management Act 1991 and Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014. It explains the consumer protection measures and building regulations relating to the Building Act and changes to the skills maintenance requirements for licensed building practitioners (LBPs).

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