An Introduction to the Law of Contract in New Zealand

An Introduction to the Law of Contract in New Zealand
Thomson Reuters New Zealand


This is a well established reference for tertiary students studying the law of contract. Written for the general reader it is very easy to follow and comprehend and covers all aspects of contract law at an introductory level. More than five years have passed since the fifth edition of this book was published in 2012. The most important development that has occurred during this period is the enactment of the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 which repealed and consolidated 11 pieces of legislation into one Act. Along with substantial revisions to incorporate the new legislation, comparative tables mapping sections from the old legislation to the new and vice versa, and numerous case law summaries and examples of their application the new edition includes sample questions for users to consider at the end of each chapter. An Introduction to the Law of Contract, 6th edition continues to be a valuable resource for all students undertaking contract law at undergraduate level and is, especially, essential reading for accounting, business and commerce students. It is also a practical, straightforward guide for businesses and legal practitioners who need to find an answer quickly and simply.

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