The new edition encompasses a number of significant developments in the law. Since mid-2005 when the fourth edition was published, there has been a stream of new decisions on torts, with major developments in various aspects of ne.
'On the Morality of Tort Law; the Fairness Argument' Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 41 (2021): 192. Stephenson. ... Todd on Torts. 8th edn. Wellington: Thomson Reuters (2019). Todd & Finn. Contract Law in New Zealand. 4th edn.
In the four years since publication of the second edition of this book there has been a multitude of new cases.
The Law of Torts in New Zealand
The Law of Torts in New Zealand
A recent stream of new decisions and major developments in, inter alia, various aspects of negligence, economic torts, breach of confidence and the protection of privacy, defamation, Bill of rights litigation and the award of damages, makes ...
The focus of the text is on New Zealand tort law, however it uses many precedents from UK, Canadian and Australian case law to reflect the diverse sources of New Zealand tort law.
In this book, articles by leading tort scholars from Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States deal with important theoretical and practical issues that are emerging in the law of torts.
The 7th edition of The Law of Torts in New Zealand marks the passage of 25 years since the book was first published in 1991.
The Law of Torts in New Zealand
The Law of Torts in New Zealand