AP - Environmental Science: Student Edition

AP - Environmental Science: Student Edition
Richard Allan, Dr Tracey Greenwood, Kent Pryor


BIOZONE's new AP Environmental Science is a dedicated title to address the new APES CED. This title takes a global perspective, examining the very latest issues concerning the environment while still providing the foundation for students to understand and engage with the science involved. Current concerns in the global community, including wildfires, COVID-19, glacial retreat, and loss of biodiversity are examined, with the emphasis being on the interconnectedness of Earth's systems and the importance of ecosystem services. Using current case studies, student investigations, and data analysis.BIOZONE's AP Environmental Science emphasizes the application of knowledge to understanding the Earth's systems and identifying and analyzing environmental problems and their solutions. This easily navigated resource addresses the two essential components of the course framework: science practices and course content. Its interdisciplinary approach and highly visual format encourage students to engage fully with the principles, ideas, and methodologies required to understand the natural world.

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