As in other histories, the history of Christianity has certain key turning-points after which the flow of historical events is profoundly transformed. Some of these moments of transition-well expressed by the Greek term kairos-are immediately pellucid to the student of church history: the Constantinian Revolution, the rise of the heresy of Islam, the Reformation, the Great Awakening. While not as immediately obvious as these turning-points, the sailing for America in 1620 of those whom historians have called the Pilgrims needs to be reckoned as a key event in the story of both the American nation and American Christianity. To be sure, there are some today who dispute its central role in the founding of America, yet generations of historians have accorded it a key place in that story, and it is in line with this older interpretation that this book of essays has been written. The various essays in this anniversary volume remember the manifold details of this historic voyage in an attempt to inform and even inspire the modern Christian as he or she seeks to be a faithful pilgrim to that heavenly country that was ever in the mind of the men and women whom these essays recall.
... Stranger on earth, yet divine guest, who is dependent on our hospital- ity, both then and now! It seems to us that Luke's paradigm of Jesus, the 'stranger in the city,' is especially relevant for today's world, with its millions of ...
The story that unfolds will astound you! Give this book a chance. Each verse is presented in easy-to-read expanded print (no footnotes), so that the reader can easily follow the incredible story from beginning to end.
This is the question that Jim Carten asks, and after years of painstaking Biblical research, he provides answers that will astound religious scholars and historians alike.*Was the God of Moses and the Israelites an extraterrestrial?*Did ...
Pilgrims and Strangers on the Earth provides new evidence and scientific explanations that indicate:* The original race of man was brought here from other planets by a race of extraterrestrial humans.* The Bible is a chronicle of ...
Harris , R. Laird , Gleason L. Archer , Jr. , and Bruce Waltke . 1980. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament . Chicago : Moody Press . Jackson , J.B. 1909. A Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names . New York : Loizeaux Brothers .
... the theological necessity of a historically and experientially engaged exegesis and its novel methodological orientation], Evangelische Theologie 56 (1996) 3–29. Also present in Chr. Hardmeier, Realitätssinn und Gottesbezug ...
A new book of poetry by Fred LaMotte.
... strangers and pilgrims . " 1 Augustine speaks of Christians as strangers " hid- den among the wicked " and not just among ... earth " ) , a more ancient and fruitful textual provenance for the purposes of this project are Genesis 23 : 4 ...
God's Amazing Grace
He is " the same yesterday , and today , and forever " ( Heb . 13 : 8 ) . Creation is like an old garment which will one day be discarded in favor of a new one . Christ is the Sovereign ; angels are the servants ( vv . 13-14 ) .