Flying Free: Poems for Pilgrim Hearts

Flying Free: Poems for Pilgrim Hearts
Flying Free
Ruth Fanshaw


A collection of 40 poems and a song about growth, healing, and the quest for wholeness and identity, intertwining the metaphors of pilgrimage and flight. It is divided into 3 sections. Part One, First Flight, evokes the hopeful beginning of the adventure of journeying through life with Jesus. We begin to discover who we are in Christ, and are filled with a desire to live in a meaningful way for Him. Part Two, Defying Gravity, explores the sometimes painful challenges of that journey. We discover that suffering is part of life, even life with Jesus - yet He is with us, even within our toughest times. As we persevere, we come to a deeper knowledge of our Lord and of ourselves. In Part Three, Flying Free, healing comes and hope is reborn from our experience as we learn to trust more fully in God's character and faithfulness. As we see His heart more clearly, we also come to a better understanding of our own, and begin to see ourselves more as our loving Father sees us. This leads us to a place of rest, peace, and fulfilment, centred in God's love. An epilogue, in the form of a song, expresses how God brings us through difficult times. We're left with a restoration of the hope of the beginning of the journey, but now fortified and enriched by personal experience of God's faithfulness in our lives. This large print edition is formatted to the guidelines of the British Dyslexia Society.

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