Economic Development: Global & Regional Studies

Economic Development: Global & Regional Studies
Economic Development
Business & Economics
IJOPEC Publication
Halil İbrahim Aydın, Magdalena Ziolo, Aniela Bălăcescu


The phenomenon of globalization can be described as a gradual increase in the process and dependency level that combines people, society and countries from different economic, social and political aspects of the world. Development, which is a multidimensional concept such as globalization, is a concept that includes human values as well as economic, social, cultural, demographic and political dimensions. With the globalization process, a turn to use knowledge as a factor of production has been passed, and investing in people who use knowledge in production has become important. Investment in human capital leads to the importance of development concept. The relationship of the development process with the different fields pioneered the preparation of scientific works in the context of globalization and regional studies. In this book "Economic Development: Global and Regional Studies", there are academicians who work in different universities of Turkey and the World and work in the field of development. The scientific ethics and responsibility of the works in the book belong to the authors / writers who own the department, of course, and we believe that the necessary sensitivity is shown in this issue. This book in your hand is made up of 15 chapters, and development in each chapter is analyzed from different angles. We believe that the detailed content will contribute to economic development literature. We would like to thank all the authors whose paper published on this book. Our hope is to provide some ideas which can inspire academicians and students not only to understand different problems that the world is facing, but some solution as well.

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