An in-depth look at a much misunderstood practice, offering a fresh viewpoint on how this science can be a universally effective route to our better selves.
Psychotherapy is the dialogue between patient and therapist in the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral, crisis, and mental disorders. Psychoanalysis as formulated by Sigmund Freud is the first modern form...
This book draws on the author's half century of experience in teaching, consulting with, and supervising psychotherapists throughout the world.
Palmer, S and Woolfe, R (eds) (2000) Integrative and Eclectic Counselling and Psychotherapy. London: Sage. Palmer, S, McMahon, G and Wilding, C (2005) The Essential Skills for Setting Up a Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice.
This book acquaints the emerging professional with psychotherapy. It introduces the theories of psychotherapy series, and many of the monographs in the series are accompanied by videos illustrating the use of theories in action.
Consider, for example, a study of CBT and applied relaxation (AR) (as well as a psychopharmacology condition) for the treatment of panic disorder conducted by Clark, Salkovskis, Hackmann, Middleton, Anastasiades, and Gelder (1994).
The book addresses the fundamental split between researchers and scholars who use scientific methods to develop disorder-specific treatment techniques and those more clinically inclined therapists who emphasize the individual, interpersonal ...
Eine Wissenschaftsphilosophie der nachmodernen Physik. de Gruyter, Berlin Schmid GB (2010) Tod durch Vorstellungskraft. Das Philosophische Beratung. Geheimnis psychogener Todesfa ̈lle, 2nd edn. Springer, Wien Schmidbauer W (1969) ...
Efficacy and effectiveness approaches in behavioral treatment trials. ... New York: Oxford University Press. ... In S. W. Henngler & R. Amentos (Eds), Innovative approaches from difficult to treat populations (pp. 477-485). Washington.
This edited volume fills the gap in the literature on a crucial--but hitherto largely ignored--aspect of psychotherapy: the corrective experience as a harbinger of transformative change in the client.
The rise of psychotherapy has been one of the defining features of the 20th century.