THE BINGE CODE is a bold new book based on hard science and over 10 years of helping people end their binge eating issues and lose excess weight. In this book, Alison Kerr shows you exactly, step by step, how to unlock your mind, body and emotions from "The Binge Trap." Using her breakthrough approach you can overcome compulsive eating, food cravings, weight fluctuations and learn to live life to the fullest. Freedom from food issues and a happier, more fulfilling life is within reach.
After studying sign language and fin- gerspelling, Robinson began a treatment group of deaf patients. ... Robinson's program consisted of a multidisciplinary team of deaf and hearing professionals and paraprofessionals who had achieved ...
G., & becker, r. e. (1991). Cognitive behavioral treatment of social phobia in a group setting: A treatment manual. unpublished treatment manual, center for stress and anxiety disorders, state university of new York at albany.
The second edition of this acclaimed text gives students of cognitive and cognitive-behavioral therapy a solid grounding in principles, while modeling an integrative approach to the problems they will encounter most.
This edition of the bestselling guide to CBT helps you identify the negative modes of thinking that have been holding you back and shows you how to assess and combat them.
Obsessive compulsive disorder is the fourth most common mental health problem in the West. In this book, therapists Dr David Veale and Robert Willson provide a self-help approach to overcoming the condition.
It is distressing for them and for everyone around them. In fact, health anxiety can be very successfully treated with cognitive behavioural therapy - the approach taken in this self-help guide.
Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction: Development of a transdiagnostic treatment for postdisaster distress / [by] Jessica L. Hamblen and Kim T. Mueser -- I. Background : what we know about disaster mental health ; The mental health ...
Client Workbook: Overcoming Depression : a Cognitive Therapy Approach for Taming the Depression BEAST
Peter Trower and colleagues have completely revised and updated the book in light of the enormous scientific achievements of CBT in this time. This brilliant book is essential reading for all cognitive behavioural practitioners.
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