A similar phenomenon was observed by Charles Engel and Richard Rogers (Engel and Rogers 1995). They studied the price differentials of the same pairs of goods in different North American cities (in the USA and Canada).
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968: International Monetary and Trade Policy
本书从历史的角度回顾了金本位制, 布雷顿森林体系和浮动汇率制的演变历程, 分析了当今主要货币美元, 欧元和人民币面临的挑战, 勾画出国际货币体系改革的前景, ...
威廉姆·E·亚历山大= W. E. Alexander
本书运用现代货币经济学的分析框架, 在借鉴和修正已有模型的基础之上, 基于我国经济结构和经济体制特征, 采用实证分析和理论研究有机统一的逻辑框架, ...
Yu + 1 + ( 1 – 2u ) . { x , } SO where { X } is the open economy IS - curve fundamentals as derived in the text . Substituting Yi + 1 - y , = y , and assuming y . - Y. - 1 = y + 1 - y , in the steady state , results in y = u : ( y ...
Taxmanship: Principles and Proposals for the Reform of Taxation. (1964-1966)
Die Deutsche Bundesbank im Prozess der europäischen Währungsintegration: rechtliche und währungspolitische Fragen aus deutscher Sicht
Bubble Man tells the story of the great American stockmarket bubble, its bursting and the role of the man who made it all possible - Alan Greenspan.
An overview of recent theoretical and policy-related developments in monetary economics.