Au cours d'une embuscade en Cisjordanie, Cham, soldat israélien, est gravement blessé. Sous le choc, il perd tout repère et en oublie son nom. Deux Palestiniennes, Falastìn et Asmahane, lui sauvent la vie. C'est, pour lui, la traversée du miroir. Avec Palestine, Hubert Haddad nous livre un saisissant plaidoyer pour la paix et la tolérance.
Uses a comic book format to shed light on the complex and emotionally-charged situation of Palestinian Arabs, exploring the lives of Israeli soldiers, Palestinian refugees, and children in the Occupied Territories.
Makdisi describes how the "peace process" has made life impossible for ordinary Palestinians.
The Question of Palestine
So what was the real cause of the breakdown in relations between the two communities?In this brave and groundbreaking book, Efraim Karshtells the story from both the Arab and Jewish perspectives.
“The idea of a Palestinian state has always been part of a vision, so long as the right of Israel to exist is respected,” Bush told reporters in the Oval Office. See “US Backs State for Palestine,” The Guardian, October 3, 2001, ...
This book analyses the impacts and responses to twenty-five years of "peace" between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization.
Thirty-six men, women, and children tell of their lives surrounded by the turmoil of one of the world's most dangerous conflicts
The first book of its kind, A History of Palestine offers a richly detailed interpretation of this critical region's evolution.
He was a frail body lying in a little concrete room with green metal doors set behind Maqasid Islamic Hospital in Jerusalem, ritually prepared for burial. ... All this officer could do was telephone, not come knocking on/down the door.
This book critically explores the meaning of Palestinian statehood and the challenges that face alternative models to it.