Connoisseurs of fantasy, science fiction, and horror have long recognized the important contributions of thousands of French authors, filmmakers, and artists. The volume is divided into two parts. Part I...
Un survol de l'histoire de la bande dessinée, par continents et par pays. Cette édition comprend une mise à jour par pays de 1980 à 1989.
Who's who in France
La liste exhaustive des ouvrages disponibles publiés en langue française dans le monde. La liste des éditeurs et la liste des collections de langue française.
"Percevan is a brave and noble knight, exiled from his homeland and adrift in the world with only the faithful Kervin for companionship.
Partly as an act of defiance in the face of hardship, partly as the ultimate irony, the soldiers nickname their regiment after the famous Parisian cabaret club 'Folies Bergère'.