Comme tous les ratons laveurs, Hector mange des grenouilles, des pommes, des hannetons, mais il est surtout très doué pour transformer la cuisine en chantier avec un grille-pain à spaghettis ou une machine à laver l'omelette... sans parler du jour où il bricole tout dans la confiserie de Thomas, devant M. Caramelmou !
Providing a structured vocabulary for all levels of undergraduate French courses, this text offers coverage of concrete and abstract vocabulary relating to the physical, cultural, social, commercial and political environment, as well as ...
La planète relationnelle
Réflexion très pertinente sur le système éducatif français et sur le sort qu'il réserve aux élèves. Vise-t-il à les former ou à les sélectionner? à leur donner un emploi ou...
'In the city of Paris, on the banks of the river, tucked away down a winding alley, there is a shop .
A playful ode to things that come and go in life—and the one special bond that never fades There are many things that go away: leaves fall, tears dry, music lasts only for a few moments, and bubbles pop, vanishing without a trace.
Chris Haughton's bold and vibrant illustrations will captivate little ones eager to stay up just a teeny bit longer, while sweet depictions of animals cozying up in their beds for the night will soon have them yawning off to a dreamland of ...
Some of the priceless masterpieces have been stolen from the Town Gallery and replaced with forgeries, and it's up to you spot the clues and identify the fakes.
Follows the evolution of the dinosaurs from the first lizardlike dinosaurs to the mass extinction sixty-five million years ago.
Darker than her previous novels, Susin peoples this novel about the ultimate cost of bullying with a cast of fabulous characters, dark humour, and a lovable, difficult protagonist struggling to come to terms with the horrible crime his ...
Dictionnaire québécois-français: mieux se comprendre entre francophones