Les ressources naturelles issues des forêts constituent un élément central des moyens de subsistances des populations locales et autochtones d'Afrique. De nombreux pays africains ont décidé de reconnaître sous certaines limites un droit aux populations à gérer leur milieu, et se sont engagés dans une série de réformes améliorant le cadre légal et réglementaire de l'exploitation forestière. Quel bilan tirer après plusieurs années de mise en place de ces réformes ?
North, East and Central Africa
This book provides an overview of The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), led by Joseph Kony.
The Remarkable Expedition: The Story of Stanley's Rescue of Emin Pasha from Equatorial Africa
In: Baylis, John / Smith, Steve (1997). The Globalisation of World Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.). The concept of Human Security has been developed by the United Nation's Development Programme (UNDP) with recognition that ...
This Is A New Release Of The Original 1891 Edition.
A Graphic Acccnnt cf the Several Expeditions efHe11r_\,-P M. Stanley Into the Heart cf the Dark Ccntinent Joel Tyler Headle}-'
This is an exploration of the function of photography in Central Africa.
In parched Port-la-Nouvelle in central Africa, Dr Mallory watches his clinic fail. He dreams of discovering a river that will make the Sahara bloom. During the search for water a bulldozer exposes an underground stream.
L'Afrique moderne: L'Afrique centrale et orientale du XVI au XVIII siècle
Great Apes and Humans: the Ethics of Coexistence, pp.3–56. ... World Atlas of Great Apes and their Conservation. ... Best Practice Guidelines for Reducing the Impact of Commercial Logging on Great Apes in Western Equatorial Africa.