Une introduction claire et complète à l'œuvre de Gurdjieff L'influence de Gurdjieff (1866-1949) a été très importante pour de nombreux artistes, écrivains ou philosophes du xxe siècle comme Peter Brook, Kate Bush, Keith Jarrett, Timothy Leary, Louis Pauwels, Alan Watts, Frank Lloyd Wright, René Daumal, Arnaud Desjardins... et son œuvre continue d'être une référence pour la spiritualité contemporaine. Le Travail, le nom par lequel cet enseignement est le plus usuellement connu, tire son appellation de l'alchimie, ou le Grand Œuvre signifie le raffinage et la purification des métaux de base en or aussi bien que la transmutation de l'âme en un état spirituel plus élevé. Les enseignements de Gurdjieff ont semblablement pour but la transformation de la substance intérieure de l'homme. à travers des connaissances cosmologiques, métaphysiques et psychologiques, à travers le travail manuel, la vie en communauté, la musique et les danses sacrées, Gurdjieff propose une méthode spirituelle pour harmoniser le microcosme de l'être humain au macrocosme de l'univers et ainsi réunifier l'homme avec l'Infini.
During our ride, they discussed MTV's rumor that 'N Sync star Justin Timberlake had assaulted a female fan. Mollie has been to two 'N Sync concerts, ...
Around Mabon, you may start to notice frost forming on the ground ... or quality of yourself you'd like to strengthen and incorporate it into a ritual.
It is the living Spirit of God. In Healing Thoughts, author Marjorie Daun Timberlake-Linton shares that when there is a conscious realization of the presence and power of God within, we can handle any situation that confronts us.
Finding happiness, peace, and purpose really can be as simple as changing our minds. This little book will show you how. “Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow tells the truth and tells it well.
En esta exquisita recopilacion, las palabras de Virginia Woolf, Joan Baez o Carlos Castaneda vienen acompanadas de reflexiones profundas y enriquecedoras. Cada pagina sera un rayo de luz y un oasis de serenidad para tu nuevo dia.
Oggi è un nuovo giorno. Meditazioni giorno per giorno per donne che vivono momenti difficili
Robson proposes to present the relics to the British museum at London upon his return to Liverpool.” Investigations into this story by journalist N.L Hills revealed that it is unlikely that this story was a hoax as there really had been ...
Guy Gibson wasa different brandof celebrity. He came to prominence during the Second World War, after leading the 1943 raid againsttwo hydroelectric dams in industrial Germany, using speciallydesigned bouncing bombs.
Judy Hall's Complete Crystal Workshop is interactive, practical, and includes a step-by-step learning program to guide you toward the profound wisdom within crystal lore.
In this book, best-selling occultist and crystal expert Judy Hall provides a basic primer on crystal skulls: What they are Where they are found Their role in legend and lore around the world Their uses for physical and psychic healing Also ...