Beowulf is one of the most important works of Old English literature. This epic poem is believed to have been composed between 700 and 750, its author is unknown. It tells the story of the hero Beowulf, and his battles against the monster Grendel (and Grendel's mother), and against an evil dragon. It tells mainly the mythical and to some extent the historical past of the Scandinavian Empire in the 6th century. Its diversity, complexity and profoundness, the timeless themes of power, courage, love and fidelity, together make Beowulf one of the most compelling and memorable works of world literature. As in the classical tradition of epic poetry (Homer's Odyssey, Virgil's Aeneid, Ferdowsi's The Epic of Kings) the poem is concerned with human values and moral choices. This book has entertained generations of readers, and it continues to be fascinating.
Finest heroic poem in Old English celebrates the exploits of Beowulf, a young nobleman of southern Sweden. Combines myth, Christian and pagan elements, and history into a powerful narrative. Genealogies.
The most revered work composed in Old English,Beowulfis one of the landmarks of European literature. This handbook supplies a wealth of insights into all major aspects of this wondrous poem and its scholarly tradition.
The Anglo-Saxon poem recounting the story of Beowulf's battle with the monster, Grendel, is retold in the style of modern verse
Provides the Old English text of the epic poem faced with a page in which almost every word is glossed.
A generous, energetic, engaging work... will be important to Beowulf study for years to come. THE MEDIEVAL REVIEW
A simplified and illustrated retelling of the exploits of the Anglo-Saxon warrior, Beowulf, and how he came to defeat the monster Grendel, Grendel's mother, and a dragon that threatened the kingdom.
More than enough remains to occupy a generation of scholars. It is my hope that this book may serve as a kind of prolegomenon to such study.
A modern, illustrated retelling of the Anglo-Saxon epic about the heroic efforts of Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow, to save the people of Heorot Hall from the terrible monster, Grendel.
This impressive volume selects over one hundred works of critical commentary from the vast body of scholarship on Beowulf - including English translations from German, Danish, Latin and Spanish - from the poem's first mention in 1705 to the ...
As the poem's position in academic and popular culture has become more entrenched, readers throughout the twentieth century ... see Kathleen Forni, Beowulf's Popular Afterlife in Literature, Comic Books, and Film (New York: Routledge, ...