The contributions in this volume by world-leading scholars of archaeology, history, history of religion, literature and onomastics provide new insights into the construction of the sacred in Old Norse culture and society. The term 'sacred' is often used in relation to the pre-Christian religions of Iron Age and medieval Scandinavia. But what did sacred really mean? What made something sacred for people? Why was one particular person, place, act, or text perceived to hold a sacral quality, while others remained profane? And what impact did such sacrality have on wider society, culture, politics, and economics, both for contemporaries and for future generations? This volume seeks to engage with such questions by drawing together essays from many of the pre-eminent scholars of Old Norse in order to reinterpret the concept of the sacred in the Viking Age North and to challenge pre-existing frameworks for understanding the sacred in this space and time. Including essays from Margaret Clunies Ross, Stephen Mitchell, John Lindow, and Judy Quinn, it is a treasury of commentary and information that ranges widely across theories and sources of evidence to present significant primary research and reconsiderations of existing scholarship. This edited collection is dedicated to Stefan Brink, an outstanding figure in the study of early Scandinavian language, society, and culture, and it takes as its inspiration the diversity, interdisciplinarity and vitality of his own research in order to make a major new contribution to the field of Old Norse studies.
Swifts and swallows flew effortlessly overhead , how wonderful it was to see such an abundance of life , as far North as Greenland and the perma - frost region of Siberia and Canada . Here the growing season is extremely short ...
北歐: 冰與陽光最美的戀情 : 挪威·冰島·格陵蘭的北國驚豔記
本书不仅介绍了北欧当地美景, 美食, 更重要的是, 作者亲身调研体验, 网罗北欧各国奇观秘境, 提供最新的旅行资讯, 且事无巨细, 让北欧之旅不留遗憾.
本书系统地叙述了中世纪至20世纪北欧五国文学发展的概况,精辟地论述了瑞典、丹麦、挪威、芬兰和冰岛五国文学的特点及其在世界文学史上的地位 ...
This book sheds new light on cultural diffusion and language change in prehistoric Northern Europe with special emphasis on the northern Baltic Sea area.
In hindsight, I got some things wrong, but I also got a lot of things right. Many people have found The Love of Destiny to be inspiring and illuminating, as the reviews on Amazon demonstrate. Perhaps you would, too.
The Flemish Road: Itinerant Trade from the Low Countries and Westphalia as Far as Russia
This book charts attitudes to the North in the North Atlantic World from the time of the earliest extant sources until the present day.
Koordinaten des Nordens: wissenschaftliche Konstruktionen einer europäischen Region 1770-1850