Nutritionnistes et diététiciens cherchent à savoir en quoi le végétarisme et la macrobiotique contribuent ou non à la santé physique et psychique des individus. L'ouvrage analyse les représentations et les pratiques liées à ce type d'alimentation ; il s'intéresse aux récits de vie, aux itinéraires personnels des pratiquants et à l'insertion des réseaux helvétiques de l'alimentation dite alternative. À partir de l'interdit carné observé par les végétariens et d'une classification fondée sur le yin et le yang, chère aux partisans de la macrobiotique, c'est un rapport nouveau à l'alimentation, au corps et au monde qui s'organise. Ces mangeurs non ordinaires repensent les limites entre le pur et l'impur, le consommable et l'inconsommable, entre aliments "vivants" et aliments "morts". La cuisine des corps est aussi, par conséquent, la cuisine des âmes.
However, if Tom DeSilva or Evan Root had been president of Erewhon, I don't think either of them would have tolerated too-high salaries, too-low profit margins, ... Summary: “This is my recollection, not perfect, I'm sure.
activity because oxygen is explicitly Yin (therefore characteristic of animals, Yang). ... In a general sense, fruits are very rich in K (Yin representative) and consequently thrive in heat and dryness (both Yang) at the time of their ...
Power Eating Program:You Are How You Eat, by Lino Stanchich, L.N. and world renowned Macrobiotic Educator and author, provides the "Missing Key" to the optimum absorption and digestion of foods, no matter which foods you eat.
Macrobiotics is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to this new and fascinating subject.
The Hip Chick's Guide to Macrobiotics: A Philosophy for Achieving a Radiant Mind and Fabulous Body
Our best-selling cookbook, this excellent book clearly presents the procedures of preparing whole grains and fresh vegetables. It is useful for anyone interested in greater health through cooking.
Love, Sanae: Healing Vegan Macrobiotic Cooking, My Healing Journey
Introducción a la macrobiótica
Zen Macrobiotics for Americans makes healthy eating fun and delicious. Expanding upon the Japanese macrobiotic tradition, this book offers a diet that is not only fun, creative, and less restrictive but also very tasty and effective.
"In Macrobiotics for All Seasons, the unique and modern approach to macrobiotic eating--which explores the philosophy of the five elements and Chinese medicine and explains the health benefits of eating a diet that changes with the seasons- ...