"Cet ouvrage est conçu comme une carte de visite de l'économie solidaire, des démarches qu'elle induit et de leurs impacts sur des questions sociétales. Des acteurs engagés montrent comment ils ont construit et développé des initiatives citoyennes alternatives dans différents domaines de l'économie solidaire, sur divers territoires : finance solidaire, commerce équitable; auto-construction, régies de quartier, lieux artistiques et culturels, santé, initiatives de femmes, consommation responsable. Ces initiatives sont présentées telles qu'elles sont et non telles qu'on voudrait qu'elles soient, sans éluder les conditions souvent difficiles de leur exercice sur le terrain où elles demeurent peu reconnues et insuffisamment soutenues, parfois même combattues. Les auteurs insistent sur leurs enjeux, en pointant les points forts et les points faibles, mais surtout les stratégies à l'oeuvre pour les développer. En effet, elles portent en elles les prémices de nouveaux modes de vivre, de travailler et de produire de la richesse sans exploiter ni exclure et sans détruire la planète."[4 ème de couverture].
See Richard N. Cooper , “ Resource Needs Revisited , ” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity , Washington , D.C. , 1975 , pp . 238–245 . Cooper notes that the technical and managerial changes were often a response to higher prices and ...
6.2.3 Nuclear Wastes 'Our children will enjoy in their homes electrical energy too cheap to meter', said Lewis L. Strauss, chairman of the US Atomic Energy Commission in a speech to the National Association of Science Writers on 16 ...
... Brazil (UNGA 1946: 89) (including a speech by later UNCTAD official and member of the innovative Pearson Commission, Roberto de Oliveira Campos [UNGA 1948: 168-169]), India (UNGA 1947: 46), and Lebanon, by George Hakim proposing the ...
Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd. Hall, C.M. (2005) Tourism: Rethinking the Social Science of Mobility. Harlow: Pearson Education Hall, ... Harlow: Prentice Hall Hall, C.M. and Higham, J. (2005) Tourism, Recreation and Climate Change.
3 K. Polanyi, C. M. Arensberg and H. W. Pearson, Trade and Markets in the Early Empires (Glencoe, 111.: Free Press, 1957). Only a minority of Balinese hamlets are thus specialized, of Economic Development in Tabanan , 89.
In Working Women into the Borderlands, author Sonia Hernández sheds light on how women's labor was shaped by US capital in the northeast region of Mexico and how women's labor activism simultaneously shaped the nature of foreign investment ...
This volume contains an excellent set of papers by top scholars in environmental and resource economics. These papers span the wide range of topics that characterized the extraordinarily broad and productive career of Gardner Brown.
... Martin, 418 Baker, Dean, 361 Balint, Peter, 393 Balmford, Andrew, 186,403 Banesh, Melanie, 244 Barnes, Peter, 13, ... 357–358 Chester, Mikhail, 360 Choate, A. L., 335 Choi Granade, Hannah, 344 CIEL, 407 Ciriacy-Wantrup, S. V., ...
Journal oftheAmerican PlanningAssociation, 56: 3-8., Hoover, E. M. 1971. An Introduction to Regional Economics. New York: Alfred A. Knopf., Hoover, E.M. and Giarratani, F. 1984. An Introduction to Regional Economics, 3rd Edition.
This text studies patterns of work across the world and considers the main economic development themes, by examining the issues affecting people living in different economic environments.