In celebration of Hollywood's legendary actresses from the 1930s to the present, Assouline, together with Elle magazine, presents The Allure of Beauty: Women in Hollywood. From Marilyn Monroe and Marlene Dietrich to Anita Ekberg and Julia Roberts, each page of this vibrant anthology radiates with provocative images of unforgettable faces and moments that have forever changed the place of women in Hollywood as well as in our culture. Elle magazine film critic Karen Durbin delves into the history of Hollywood, highlighting females who have proven their femininity, strength, and talent. The glitzy narrative accompanies a carefully researched, sexy selection of photography that captures the individuality of each woman.
Published to coincide with "Allure" magazine's 15th anniversary, the editor-in-chief shares the best tips, tricks, and secrets she has acquired on the job.
It vibrates underneath your skin yearning to be set free, and only you have the key to unleashing the infinite woman within you!The Art of Allure and Beauty is a journal and guide for women everywhere to encourage *Exploration of ...
Zahnd issues a challenge to Christians to discover new vitality through re-envisioning, reimagining, and reforming the church according to the pattern of the cruciform.
Crafting Allure: Beauty Culture and Identity
"An inspiring guide for how to go from dreamer to do-er, from someone who’s been there, done that and wrote the book on it.” —Chrissy Teigen, New York Times bestselling author of Cravings and Cravings: Hungry for More “If you want ...
This handsome volume of cinematic fashion portraiture--featuring such subjects as Lupita Nyong'o, Rashida Jones, Salma Hayek, Demi Lovato, Anja Rubik, Jennifer Lopez, Chanel Iman, Hari Nef, Isabella Rossellini, Tyra Banks and Rosie ...
This book is filled with experiences and life lessons that are relatable to anyone who has experienced trauma.
Through Morand's transcription of their conversations, Chanel tells us about her friendship with Misia Sert, the men in her life - Boy Capel, the Duke of Westminster, artists such as Diaghilev, her philosophy of fashion and the story behind ...
Symptomatic of a new age of casualness and comfort, the sofa ushered in an era known as the golden age of conversation; as the first piece of furniture designed for two, it was also considered an invitation to seduction.
At once a practical guide to research methodology and an elegant literary reflection on the challenges of writing history, this uniquely rich volume demonstrates how surrendering to the archive’s allure can forever change how we ...