"Cette nouvelle édition " ... est axée sur le 21e siècle et sur la nécessité, pour les infirmières, d'être informées, hautement qualifiées, perspicaces, attentionnées et sensibles. Nous traitons des questions relatives aux soins infirmiers d'un point de vue physiologique, physiopathologique et psychosocial, et voulons aider l'étudiante à déterminer les priorités de soins dans son contexte. L'information présentée est à la fine pointe de l'actualité et fournit à l'étudiante et aux autres utilisateurs du manuel les moyens de prodiguer des soins de qualité aux personnes et à leurs familles dans divers milieux et à domicile." (cf. avant-propos, p. v). [SDM].
This three-volume series is the only concepts curriculum developed from the ground up as a cohesive, comprehensive learning system.
Other specific interventions include individual, family, group, cognitive and behavioural psychotherapy (Shives 2005; Keltner & Jones-Warren 2003).
Klaus , D. J. , Gosnell , D. E. , Jacobs , A. M. , Reilly , P. C. , and Taylor , J. A. Controlling Experience to Improve Nursing Proficiency : Background and Study Plans . Report No. 1. Pittsburgh : American Institutes for Research ...
Nursing Research: The Application of Qualitative Approaches
Written specifically for the needs of Australian and New Zealand students and educators, this edition contains solid, research-based content presented in a concise, readable and consistent format.
Body Image Detection Device ( BIDD ) Developed by Ruff and Barrios ( 73 ) Respectable reliability for both measures coefficient alphas : BPI , 0.83-0.93 ; SRI , 0.79–0.81 . Test - retest : BPI , 0.75–0.92 ; SRI , 0.60-0.93 Validity ...
Medical-Surgical Nursing - Two Volume Text and Virtual Clinical Excursions Online Package: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems
One of the most complete nursing education learning systems available, Virtual Clinical Excursions is an online program that guides you through a virtual hospital where the patients are real and their conditions are constantly changing.
The workbook includes time icons that indicate how long it will take to complete a particular exercise.
This pocket-sized book provides nurses and nursing students easy access to essential information needed when caring for patients with a variety of clinical problems in diverse settings.