Alan R.H. Baker, of the Geography Department of the University of Cambridge, has played a leading role in the development of historical geography. This book, which features twelve specially commissioned essays, recognizes his highly influential and innovative contributions. The contributors address the following topics: methodology and ideology in historical geography; historical geographies of state regulation and political discourse; the social and cultural use of public and private space; and the interpretation of images of place in relation to cultural and national identity.
The geography of modern Europe is the result of the interaction of many different and often violent historical processes, which have combined to produce a diverse patterning of people and place.
Elliott, A, Forbes J.and RobinsD.(2000) 'Reportofthe Panel Conducting thePublic Examination on Shaping our Future'. Belfast. Elliott, Marianne (2000)The Catholics ofUlster, London: Penguin Press. Ellis, Geraint (2000) 'Planning and ...
Annotation. Christou explores the phenomenon of 'return migration' in Greece through the settlement and identification processes of second-generation Greek-American returning migrants.
Written to redress the longstanding neglect and denigration of the rural, this book argues that the cultural dominance of the city has been reinforced by postmodern theory's near fixation on the urban and the sophisticated.
What does it mean to live in the West today? Do people tend to identify with states, with regions, or with the larger West? This book examines the development of...
Space, Place, and Identity. Nichols, Ashton (2011): Beyond Romantic Ecocriticism. Toward Urbanatural Roosting. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Richardson, Bill, ed. (2015): Spatiality and Symbolic Expression. On the Links Between Place ...
Place, Identity, and Urban Culture: Odesa and New Orleans
Questions of Cultural Identity offers a wide-ranging exploration of this issue. Stuart Hall firstly outlines the reasons why the question of identity is so compelling and yet so problematic.
This is a timely and easily accessible book that addresses a number of issues that are of central concern to the development of tourism studies.
... 33 'glocal' subcultures, 108, 110 Goffin, Gerry, 193, 194 Goffmann, E., 68 Gordon, E. T., 27, 28 Gordon, Vin, 74 graffiti art, 9, 131 Grandes Ligas, 96, 97,98, 99, 103, 104 Gravediggers Productions (GDP), 14, Great Britain, 33, 34, ...