Un cadre de réflexion et des propositions de méthodologies éprouvées par des spécialistes pour évaluer les politiques publiques, afin d’améliorer le fonctionnement du système démocratique et de renforcer la légitimité de l'état et de ses interventions.
本书对包括军队、联邦调查局、禁毒署、中央情报局、航空航天局、森林管理局、社会保障管理局、公立学校和监狱等美国公共管理机构进行了研究 ...
Kenneth J. Cooper and Walter Pincus, "Disclosure Urged in Overdraft Case; House Probers Fault 24 Lawmakers," Washington Post, March 6, 1992, p. Al. Members were not charged for the overdrafts, nor were they charged interest on the money ...
EDOLPHUS TOWNS ( D ) NY - 10 , 2232 RHOB ( 202 ) 225-5936 Health Aide : Alex Beckles TED STRICKLAND ( D ) OH - 06 ... BART STUPAK ( D ) MI01 , 1410 LHOB ( 202 ) 225-4735 Health Aide : Matt Berzok RALPH M HALL ( D ) TX04 , 2221 RHOB ...
Without accepting this history and argument in every detail , we take note of the present state of economic dependency of most post - colonial countries as a stark reality and believe that colonial rule was a major if not the sole ...
... UT 84111 Fax : 801-364-4361 Provides training and counseling to current and potential women business owners to finance , management , marketing and procurement . Wasatch Venture Fund II , LLC Todd Stevens , Manager 1 South Main ...
Organized by level of government, from Congress and the federal government, to state, and finally local government, this directory lists the names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of information sources...
'Ideas', 'interests' and New Institutionalisms: Insights from the Study of European Intergration [i.e. Integration]
For some , Weber's typology is apolitical , presenting the formal structure of bureaucracy as a mechanistic set of arrangements ( see Albrow 1970 ) . Other writers have argued Weber's typology is anachronistic and that bureaucratic ...