Ce n'est pas , non plus , M. Milošević qui dirigeait les « snipers » musulmans qui , selon l'amiral Lanxade , tuèrent de nombreux soldats français . Le général Michael Rose a prouvé par l'étude des trajectoires balistiques que les ...
Petit apartheid refers to the hidden, informal types of racial bias that permeate various stages of the criminal justice system. Notably, these informal practices are not included in most evaluations...
This book argues for a more moderate approach to history-writing in international criminal adjudication by articulating the elements of a “responsible history” normative framework.
In this collection of essays Professor Martti Koskenniemi, a well-known practitioner and a leading theorist and historian of international law, examines the recent debates on humanitarian intervention, collective security, protection of ...
... , être raccompagné , puis emmené de nou- veau hors de la maison blanche . Le témoin n'a pas revu Hakija Elezović avant de le retrouver à la barre des témoins à La Haye . 280. There is no direct testimony that the accused was 182 TADIĆ.
The case studies presented in this important new book show that fostering cooperation between law enforcement and communities requires the former to pay careful attention to the needs and attitudes of the latter.
By exposing students to a wide range of theoretical views, this book challenges students to think critically about law in the US and elsewhere, and between nations.
C'est le cas à l'époque des guerres de libération internationale où des groupes organisés des deux côtés s'affrontent. Dans ce genre de conflit, ... 22 Sandoz, Y., 'Droit ou devoir d'ingérence, droit à l'assistance : de qui parle-t- on?
An assessment of the transitional processes aimed at creating a stable and just society in South Africa.
Georges Mabille, qui rencontra le jeune Nelson Mandela, continuera sa lutte contre le racisme pendant toute sa vie, en Afrique et lors de missions aux Etats-Unis et en Algérie.
From this perspective, the book deals with the importance of several concepts such as truth about the past, publicly shared memory, unity of the political body and public confession.