French Vocabulary Handbook

French Vocabulary Handbook
French language
Berlitz Publishing
Kate Dobson


This outstanding reference book series has been fully revised to teach more effectively the foreign language basics of grammar, verbs, and vocabulary. Suitable for use with any course, including Basic (see page 50 and 51) and Think and Talk (see page 54).Grammar Handbooks provide the most basic and useful terms of standard grammar in common usage, as well as exceptions to the rule and offer brief discussions, explanations and lively examples of grammar usage. Each revised edition includes: - more sections dealing with potentially difficult areas such as false cognates, use of present tense expressing future meaning and the use of relative pronouns.Verb Handbooks present a jargon-free introduction to verbs and their uses and have been revised to include: - more up-to-date verbs from new and different industries, like technology and commerce- an index of 2,500 most frequently used verbs.Vocabulary Handbooks provide practical vocabulary extension for active word use and cover more than 8,00

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