Human wellbeing depends on the capacity of the earth’s natural systems to provide ecosystem goods and services. However, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment chillingly concludes that unless we take action to mitigate the current decline in ecosystem services, the cost to society will be substantial. In this publication, IUCN defines three key challenges that will need to be addressed in the near future in order to deliver internationally-agreed development goals. Actions for implementation for all three challenges are also proposed, as well as some ‘First Steps’ that should be initiated now if we are to secure our future.
The book enhances our understanding of the value of the natural systems that surround us and can play an essential role in encouraging greater efforts to protect the earth's basic life-support systems before it is too late.
The Importance Of Plants And Our Dependence On Them Not Only For Food But Also For Our Clean Air And Water Are Discussed In This Title.
The book explores the ways in which science, spirit, and religion can guide the experience and understanding of our ongoing relationship with the natural world and examines how the integration of science and spirituality can equip us to ...
Drawing from new findings, this book presents important conclusions about nature-versus-nurture, the impact of being born into a working family, the effect of politics on programs for children, the costs and benefits of intervention, and ...
Law, N., L. Band, and M. Grove. 2004. Nitrogen input from residential lawn care practices in ... Liebenberg, L. 2008. The relevance of persistence hunting to human ... Mann, C. C. 2012. 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus reFereNceS ...
How Do Humans Depend on Earth?
Lederbogen, F., P. Kirsch, L. Haddad, F. Streit, H. Tost, P. Schuch, S. Wüst, J. C. Pruessner, M. Rietschel, M. Deuschle, and A. Meyer-Lindenberg. “City Living and Urban Upbringing Affect Neural Social Stress Processing in Humans.
Why "the balance of nature"?
This important book reviews the current state of the concepts of 'nature' we use, both as scientific devices and ideological constructs, and is organised around three themes:- nature as a cultural construction;- the cultural management of ...
Life itself as well as the entire human economy depends on goods and services provided by earth's natural systems. The processes of cleansing, recycling, and renewal, along with goods such...