"Amphibians are facing an extinction crisis, but getting to the facts has been difficult. "Threatened Amphibians of the World" is a visual journey through the first-ever comprehensive assessment of the...
The 472-page book is divided into two parts and contains more than 300 images from 90 photographers and more than 40 maps.
Every environmentalist will find this book an accessible and informative examination of what many scientists have called one of the major threats to the world's biodiversity.
Shows the species of frogs and toads in the United States and Canada, accompanied by a seventy minute CD which includes the calls of nearly every species.
Contributions to the ornithology of Madagascar. Pt. 1. ... Les petits mammifères de Madagascar: Guide de leur distribution, biologie et identification. ... In A Conservation Strategy for the Amphibians of Madagascar, ed.
Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar FL, USA. Zohar Y, Mylonas CC (2001) Endocrine manipulations of spawning in cultured fish: from hormones to genes. In Reproductive Biotechnology in Finfish Aquaculture (Eds CS Lee and EM Donaldson) pp.
This book contributes to an understanding of the current conservation status of the amphibians of each region, aims to stimulate research into halting amphibian declines, and provides a better foundation for making conservation decisions.
Integrative and Comparative Biology 37:172. Denver, R.J., Mirhadi, N., and Phillips, ... Douglas, M., Douglas, M., Schuett, G., Beck, D., and Sullivan, B. 2010. Conservation phylogenetics of helodermatid lizards using multiple molecular ...
... Amphibian Specialist Group recommended urgent conservation actions to protect this species (http://www.amphibians.org). Based on priorities stated in the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan of the IUCN-SSC-Amphibian Specialist Group ...
Conservation practitioners, policy-makers, and the wider general public eager to understand more about important environmental issues will also find this book invaluable.