The Cum-Constructions: Their History and Functions—Part II: Constructive
... soft , gentle 61 moméntum , -i ( n ) , a short period of time , a ( short ) distance móneo ( 2 ) , to advise , warn mons , -tis ( m ) , mountain , hill monumentum , -i ( n ) , monument , tomb , reminder , token 54 mórdeo , -dére ( 2 ) ...
Ecce Romani: Teacher's Guide Level I
Preparatory Latin
10.181.02 , equos et canes et sues initum matutinum adpetere , feminas autem post meridiem 10.212.02 , praeter hominem somniare equos , canes , boves , pecora , capras palam est : 11.233.08 / similiter canes .
Fuß ) , scheint mir die Kritik von Catlow 1980 , 36 f . an R. Schilling , La veillée de Venus ... 222 Vgl . hierzu L. Bieler , The Life and Legend of St. Patrick , Dublin 1949 , 38 . 223 AH 51 , 340 ff . Zur Metrik vgl .
Latin Syntax and Semantics
Study Guide
Juristenlatein: 2800 lateinische Fachausdrücke und Redewendungen der Juristensprache
Vocabula et Sermones (Basic Vocabulary and Sample Conversations)