Om psykiske sygdomme, deres historie, symptomer og behandling
Ex-neuroscientist Carina struggles with a drug problem, her conscience, and urges to kill.
Photographic Case Studies in Neurology: Diagnostic Tests for the Practitioner
From Neurology to Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud's Neurological Drawings and Diagrams of the Mind
The answer is L. ( Adams , ed 4. pp 555–561 . ) With acute bacterial meningitis , the clinical progression may be limited to days between the first symptoms and death . A petechial rash developing over the lower parts of the body in the ...
Hunt's s . Hunt's striatal s . Hunter's s . Hunter - Hurler s . Hurler's s . Hurler - Scheie s . ... s . hyperventilation s . hypoglossia - hypodactyly s . impostor s . inappropriate antidiuretic hormone , s . of ( SIADH ) Jackson's s .
Principles of Neurology, 6th Edition, Companion Handbook
Manual of Pediatric Neurology is an easy-to-read and easy-to-access text based on clinical scenarios. The book comprises a collection of chapters that address frequently encountered conditions in all clinical settings.
Brain Facts: A Primer on the Brain and Nervous System
The book offers content by clinical presentation, such as coma, stroke, headaches, and seizures, and by special topic, such as neuroimaging, behavioral neurology, and common medical issues in neurology.