White Trash met en scène l’affrontement d’une infirmière et de son supérieur dans un hôpital en compression d’effectifs. À partir du démantèlement des services sociaux britanniques, John King, « l’écrivain du football et de la classe ouvrière anglaise », se livre à une satire mordante des stéréotypes de classes et traite finalement des inégalités et de la place de l’humain dans la société. Il nous offre un roman noir puissant sur la fracture sociale, émouvant et d’une actualité troublante.
More than 200 recipes and 45 full-color photographs celebrate 25 years of good eatin’ in this original regional Southern cooking classic.
Not all magicians go to schools of magic.
Talking White Trash documents the complex and interwoven relationship between mediated representations and lived experiences of white working-class people—a task inspired by the author’s experiences growing up in a white working-class ...
But where did this stigmatizing phrase come from? And why do these stereotypes persist? Matt Wray answers these and other questions by delving into the long history behind this term of abuse and others like it.
Therefore, enormous thanks go out to Sherry Rowland, Kat Johnson, Dr. Kristi Charish, Robert J. Durand, Myke Cole, Mary Robinette Kowal, Dr. Michael Defatta, Catherine Rathbun, Tara Sullivan Palmer, Tricia Borne, Deborah Jack, Lindsay ...
First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Horror meets humorous urban fantasy in the sixth book in the White Trash Zombie series • Winner of the 2012 Best Urban Fantasy Protagonist by the RT Awards Angel Crawford has finally pulled herself together (literally!) after her ...
Pour Ruby, jeune infirmière passionnée, l'hôpital est un microcosme où chacun à une histoire à raconter. Son supérieur, Jeffreys, s'investit corps et âme dans la gestion de l'établissement. Il méprise...
What was a poor white trash daughter, one of thirteen children of an abusive, alcoholic father and submissive mother, doing at a reception with the President of the United States of America in the White House?
“Life After The Swan.” People 62, no. 5 (August 2, 2004). http://www.people.com/people/archive/ article/0,,20150694,00.html. Grim, Ryan, Arthur Delaney, and Lucia Graves. “Learning to Walk: Fear, Shame and Your Underwater Mortgage.