As a reader covering the work of OMA/Rem Koolhaas from Delirious New York to S, M, L, XL, it provides a fresh and critical view on one of the most complex architectural oeuvres of recent times.
This compilation not only provides a fresh and critical view of the oeuvre of one the most important contemporary architects, but also represents an account of the debate on architectural and urban design in recent decades.
... Ivan Leonidov " ( S. Frederick Starr , A those studied by S. Frederick Starr ( Melnikov131 ) and by Koolhaas and Oorthuys ... In Leonidov's projects Koolhaas finds metaphorical use of materials , fantastic techniques , new types of ...
The book's title is also its framework: projects and essays are arranged according to scale. While Small and Medium address issues ranging from the domestic to the public, Large focuses on what Koolhaas calls "the architecture of Bigness.
There are few outside a circle of initiates who realize just how important Rem Koolhaas and the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) are for international architecture today. Arguably, Koolhaas/OMA is...
In addition to comprehensively updated texts and new images, this edition is designed and produced to visually (and physically) embody the immense scope of its subject matter: Custom split-spine binding: our printer modified their ...
Source Books in Architecture No.14: Rem Koolhaas / OMA + AMO Spaces for Prada is the most recent volume in the Source Books in Architecture series.
In this volume, they present between them a total of 90 colours - each covering half a page - accompanied by comments on the background, the significance and the applications of the colours.
Rem Koolhaas (Rotterdam,1944) studied architecture at the AA in London--where he went on to become a lecturer--and at the IAUS in New York, during Peter Eisenman's time there.
Almere, the Netherlands' newest town, took a significant step towards maturity with its recently completed city center, designed by Rem Koolhaas, leader of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (O.M.A.), the...