Analyse des dessins effectués par des enfants de six ans concernant leur famille, le dessin étant leur propre langage et exprimant le monde de l'enfant et la vision de leur famille.
The two friends work together, just like Ms. Berger, Mr. Todd, the mayor, Ms. Lopez and other members of their community they meet on their journey.Included at the end of the book are suggested learning activities for teachers, students and ...
汪妲每天都穿那件褪色的藍洋裝上學, 然而她卻堅稱家裡有一百件洋裝, 「全都整整齊齊的排在衣櫃裡」. 會有人相信汪妲的話嗎?
The Way They SEE It: A Book for Every Parent about the Art Children Make
onderful resource for all who live and work with young children.
She dons a big hair- do . ) SYLVIA . NOONIE NORTON ?! NOONIE . Aunt Sylvia has the cleanest teeth of anyone I know . ( Tired , calling . ) Coming ! SYLVIA ( calling ) . Did you remember to floss this morn- ing , Noonie ? NOONIE .