居庸关巂周1 声里严关峙,匹马登登。乱踏黄尘,听报邮签 2 第几程。行人莫话前朝事,风雨诸陵。寂寞鱼灯,天寿山 3 头冷月横。【笺注】 1巂(guī)周:谓车轮转一周。巂通“规”。 2邮签:古代驿馆夜间报时之器,即漏筹。 3天寿山:北京市昌平区东北之天寿山。
李季兰的第一个情人是名士朱放,是她在一次独自泛舟剡溪时偶遇的。在一个春日的午后,乘着观主和其他道友午睡,李季兰偷偷溜到观前不远的剡溪中荡舟漫游。在溪边她遇到了一位青年,他布衣芒鞋,却神清气朗,不象一般的乡野村夫。青年人要求登船,李季兰十分大方 ...
The saintly austerities of Mary of Egypt so impressed early monks that they recorded her life to edify their brethren. Many versions circulated and the tale traveled from Palestine to...
This book offers the first interdisciplinary and in-depth study of the cultural practices and ideological paradigms that conditioned the politics of the "reading" of Sappho's songs in the early and...
M. L. Stapleton's Harmful Eloquence: Ovid's Amores from Antiquity to Shakespeare traces the influence of the early elegiac poetry of Publius Ovidius Naso (43 B.C.E.-17 C.E.) on European literature from...
The greatest literary achievement of Greek civilization--an epic poem without rival in world literature and a cornerstone of Western culture The story of the Iliad centers on the critical events...
Dante's immortal poem enters English in the clearest, most accurate, most readable translation in decades, accompanied by a commentary of unsurpassed scholarship.The Inferno, the opening section of Dante Alighieri's epic...