This book contains a collection of twelve papers that reflect the state of the art of nonlinear differential equations in modern geometrical theory.
The Handbook of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations is the latest in a series of acclaimed handbooks by these authors and presents exact solutions of more than 1600 nonlinear equations encountered in science and engineering--many more ...
serve a clear and transparent example of rich and fruitful interaction of geometry and theoretical meteorology ... For that reason, we shall be begin by explaining why the study of the fluid dynamics of the atmosphere provides a rich ...
This book emphasizes the interdisciplinary interaction in problems involving geometry and partial differential equations.
H. Goldschmidt, Integrability criteria for systems of non-linear partial differential equations, J. Differential Geom. ... I.S. Krasil'shik, V. V. Lychagin, and A. M. Vinogradov, Geometry of jet spaces and nonlinear partial differential ...
This volume contains articles written by V. I. Arnold's colleagues on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
Vinogradov A. M., Krasil'shchik I. S., Lychagin V. V. [1] Introduction to geometry of nonlinear differential equations (Russian). Nauka, Moscow 1986; Engl. transl., Geometry of jet spaces and nonlinear partial differential equations.
Krasilshchik, I.S., Lychagin, V., Vinogradov, A.M.: Geometry of Jet Spaces and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Gordon and Breach Science, Amsterdam (1986) 14. Ljapunov, A.M.: Stability of Motion; with an Contribution by V.A. ...
Shows novel and modern ways of solving differential equations using methods from contact and symplectic geometry.
These constitute the starting point for the subsequent papers of this volume. Some problems are also discussed. AMS subject classifications (1980). 35A30, 58005, 58035, 58H05. Key words.