Community and Parental Influence: Effects on Student Motivation and French Second Language Proficiency

Community and Parental Influence: Effects on Student Motivation and French Second Language Proficiency
Education / Educational Psychology
International Center for Research on Bilingualism
Richard Clement, S. P. Colletta, H. P. Edwards


The effects of different variables on second language acquisition, specifically the effect of parental influence, were tested on the Gardner (1979) model of second language acquisition. Data were obtained from 68 anglophone students in grades 7-10 enrolled in a French immersion program and also from their parents. A factor analysis of parental data indicated that parental influence can be divided into passive and active components, with the passive component being the early development of language learning attitudes, and the active component being the continued effort to influence attitudes. The data also supported an expanded version of the Gardner (1979) model of second language acquisition. Significant relationships observed include: language aptitude and linguistic outcomes, motivation and nonlinguistic outcome, student attitudes and motivation, active parental influence and student confidence with French, and socioeconomic status and active parental influence. Questionnaires and data analyses are appended. (RW)

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